Page 1 - COVID19
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The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread all
                around the world. It can very well affect us and those around us.

                 We, Neptune Publica  ons Pvt Ltd work closely with the China
                  Children's Press and Publishing Group and have taken steps
                   to translate and send around free Coronavirus (COVID-19)
                                     awareness books and
                    e-books to all Sri Lankans and anyone around the world.

                      Neptune Publica ons Pvt Ltd (the publishing house),

                  IBBY-Sri Lanka (The Interna onal Board on Books for Children

                 and Young Adults), Printel Pvt Ltd (the prin ng partner), Read-

                plus Consor um (the distributors) in collabora on, has translated

                 and produced the following book and e-book to be sent around

                 communi es around the island to educate and take proper pre-

                                 cau ons to face this challenge.
                             This book has been reviewed by Physician
                               Dr. Ananda Wijewickrama head of IDH
                                   (Infec  ous Diseases Hospital)

                 We hope you read it, understand the seriousness of this crisis
                       and pass on this message to everyone you know.

                  Be aware rather than anxious, stay safe and stay posi ve.
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